Happy Anniversary St. John's................

Jun 18, 2024
Happy Anniversary St. John's................

“O LORD , I love the habitation of Thy house, and the place where Thy glory dwells.” (Ps 26:8)


“O Lord I love the habitation of Thy house and the place where Thy glory dwells” for Thou has given us a haven from the storms of life, a place of thanksgiving for all Thy blessings and the joy of expressing our love and worship to Thee our heavenly father.   We have come to Thee in joy and sorrow, and Thou has comforted us.  We have married our spouses and baptized our children, and also buried our parents and our beloved relatives and loved ones in Thy house.  We welcomed you at your birth with carols of praise and love and decorated with poinsettias, wreaths, lights and red ribbons.   We have cried at your crucifixion, and festooned your grave with flowers and palms.   We rejoiced at your resurrection and sang songs of optimism and hope.   You have eased our sorrows and concerns throughout the year with our prayers and tears and made life an experience of good; and through it all, you have never failed us in your love for us.


  “Blessed are those who dwell in Thy house, ever singing Thy praise!” (Ps 84:4)


In approximately 390 days, St. John’s will be celebrating our 100th Anniversary on July 13, 2025. To refresh the memory of our history: Father Peter Kohanik was ordained to the priesthood on October 26, 1902 upon completion of theological studies in Petrograd and at Simpheropole (Russia). He was rector of Russian churches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut and established twelve parishes in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, including our own.  He remained Pastor in Passaic for 44 years and fell asleep in the Lord on May 20, 1969.   Father Peter is always fondly remembered in our prayers. Vechnaja Pamyat  


The birth of the parish began on July 12, 1925. Father Kohanik of Whitestone, NY accepted the invitation to organize a new parish, with the blessing of Metropolitan Platon. The parishioners unanimously agreed to name the church in honor of St. John the Baptist.   The parish acquired a church on Jackson Street in Passaic, NJ in November 1925.   The growth of the parish led to the need for a larger church. Groundbreaking for the current edifice on the corner of Lexington Avenue and Harrison Street in Passaic occurred on August 3, 1959.   The cornerstone was blessed on September 18, 1960 and the church was consecrated on November 27, 1960.   Work then began on the church school building on Harrison Street. It was dedicated on September 13, 1964.   We are proud of our legacy and past accomplishments and look forward to the future.  


The fellowship of our parishioners is cherished and nurtured in the brotherhood with Christ, and we pray that the Lord’s blessings will continue to guide our congregation. 


Past Pastors: Fr. Peter Kohanik - 1924 - 1969;    Fr. Dan Donovan - 1969 - 1981;    Fr. Leonid Kuberski - 1981 - 1989;    Fr. Dan Pavelchak - 1989 - 1991;    Fr, James Mason - 1991 - 1999;    Fr. Nicholas (Iuhos) - 1999 - 2001;    Fr. Christopher Swanson - 2001 - 2003;    Fr. Sophrony Royer - 2003 - 2013;    Fr. Igor Kseniuk - 2013 - 2019;   and  Fr. Maryan Chaykivsky - 2019 - Present.  


Special mention for Prof. Michael P. Hilko. - Prof. Hilko was a faithful and dedicated choir director at our parish for 42 years. He started at St. John's in 1932 and continued as our choir director until his death in 1974. May his memory be eternal.


More pictures will be forthcoming as the date draws near.  Today there are some pictures  from our past in the Photo Gallery you can enjoy.


Oct 21, 2024 - 20:01
I specifically love the verses in the book of Psalms. Dumpster Rental St. George

Steven Strieking

Oct 11, 2024 - 12:43
"We have come to Thee in joy and sorrow, and Thou has comforted us. We have married our spouses and baptized our children, and also buried our parents and our beloved relatives and loved ones in Thy house." Truer words have never been spoken. Thank you!! Greetings from Sarasota, FL Cabinets

Daniel Devon

Oct 11, 2024 - 12:38
Throughout the most trying times, as we've weathered the harsh storms, your glory stands firm. You have been a beacon of hope and light amidst the pain we all have known. Even the most steadfast Cabinet Makers in Brighton, CO understand the importance of thanking you for all you've done. God bless and peace to you all.

Gregory Warholak

Sep 21, 2024 - 15:18
When do tickets go on sale for the 100th anniversary and what is the contact information for these tickets?


Aug 8, 2024 - 17:18
You have brought comfort and reassurance to us all year long with our prayers and tears, turning life into a positive experience. Throughout everything, your love for us has remained unfailing. put up wallpaper


Aug 5, 2024 - 09:42
This passage beautifully captures the deep connection and history of St. John’s Church, highlighting its significant moments and figures. Citizen Concierge


Jul 10, 2024 - 23:04
Throughout the year, our prayers and tears in Midland have eased our sorrows and concerns. You have made life a good experience for us. And through it all, you have never failed to show your love for us.
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October 2024

Greatmartyr Demetrius - Great Vespers 5:00 PM

The entire world has found you to be a great champion in times of peril;  for you put the heathen to flight, O victorious one.  As you brought to naught the boasts of Lyaeus, and gave courage to Nestor in the stadium, in the same way, O Holy Great Martyr Demetrios,  entreat...