January 2024 .......................

Dec 28, 2023
January 2024 .......................

Theophany, January 6, is considered one of the greatest feast days of the Orthodox church. It commemorates the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist and the revelation of the Holy Trinity to the world. The Father spoke saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The Holy Spirit was seen in the form of a dove, hovering over the waters and Jesus Christ our Savior was baptized by John. And John said, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”


January is the start of the new year and the beginning of our goals for the year. One of your goals for the coming year should be a daily reading of the Bible, and it is helpful that you use the Orthodox Study Bible. On the back pages you can find information concerning the importance of reading and understanding the bible. His Eminence Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia (UK), wrote “that we are never to forget that what we find in the Bible is not an ideology, not a philosophical theory, but a historical faith. He ends his message with the following paragraph. “At the high point of his spiritual crisis, wrestling with himself alone in the garden, Saint Augustine heard a child’s voice crying out, “Take up and read, take up and read.” He took up his bible and read; and what he read altered his entire life.” Let us do the same: Take up and read.


It may be time in our lives to do what Metroploitan Kallistos instructs us with his story of St. Augustine, take up and read. Every week on Saturday a list of reading chapters will be listed for the following week. All the readings will be from the New Testament in the New King James Version as found in the Orthodox Study Bible. Notes referring to the reading for the day are listed on the bottom of the page containing the reading. These notes may help you in your study. The following readings are for the week starting: January 1 Matthew 1; January 2 Matthew 2; January 3 Matthew 3; January 4 Matthew 4; and January 5 Matthew 5. Bible reading will continue on January 8 with Matthew 6 “Take up and read.”


May God bless all of you this new year with peace and love and may you return His goodness with thanksgiving each and every day.  



Happy Birthday to all those celebrating their birthday in January. Among those are: Stephen Fabian, January 3;  Bob Czech, January 8;  Ken Baron on January 11;  Joseph Pecoraro, January 13;  Barbara Kary, January 18;  Nicholas Alexander Silvestre, January 22;  and Chris Baron on January 23.  We wish all of you a very Happy Birthday and may God grant you all Many Years!


Helen Baron, our coordinator for the food pantry, wants to thank everyone for their generous support in supplying food and money throughout the Holiday season. Many grateful families and individuals, who otherwise would have had an empty table, sat down to a wonderful dinner due to the help provided by those who care. However, the need is persistent so please continue your support and help re-stock the now empty shelves. Thank you for your help.

Amor Scott

Jun 19, 2024 - 11:29
Many families enjoyed wonderful dinners thanks to your donations. The need continues, so please help re-stock the now empty shelves. Thank you for your ongoing support. pool cleaning services Roswell

Ara Heusaff

Jun 17, 2024 - 11:17
May God bless you with peace and love in the new year, and may you respond to His goodness with thanksgiving each and every day. Miami real estate

Kate Sharma

Jun 9, 2024 - 15:40
the passage reflects a deep spiritual perspective, emphasizing the importance of faith, scripture, community, and service in the lives of believers. It encourages individuals to start the new year with a focus on spiritual growth and to extend love and support to others in their community. asphalt companies Toledo ohio

Laura Holand

May 29, 2024 - 11:14
Encouraging the faithful to "Take up and read" as a daily practice is not just about fulfilling a religious duty but about allowing the words of the Bible to continually shape one’s life and actions throughout the year. cincinnati wedding rings


May 24, 2024 - 14:01
May the new year be filled with peace, love, and gratitude, and may we all continue to extend kindness and support to those in need. los angeles swimming pool contractor

Madel Smith

May 1, 2024 - 11:43
What a beautifully informative and community-focused message! It's wonderful to see the celebration of Theophany and its significance in the Orthodox Church, as well as the encouragement to engage with scripture through daily readings, especially at the start of the new year. tampa mental health

Ginny Miller

Apr 16, 2024 - 15:01
In the spirit of giving and compassion, thanks are extended to all those who have supported the food pantry efforts, ensuring that families in need have food on their tables during the holiday season. The ongoing support is appreciated, and the call to continue replenishing the pantry shelves reflects the ongoing need to care for those less fortunate in our communities. i-130 form

Ethan Walker

Mar 15, 2024 - 15:53
The celebration of Theophany on January 6th indeed holds profound significance in the Orthodox Christian tradition, marking the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River and the revelation of the Holy Trinity. It's a momentous occasion that reaffirms the divinity of Christ and the manifestation of God's presence among humanity. E&K Contractors


Feb 6, 2024 - 17:46
Thank you for sharing the significance of Theophany and the importance of daily Bible reading as we start the new year. Your suggestion to use the Orthodox Study Bible and the provided reading schedule on the website is greatly appreciated. May this new year be filled with peace, love, and a deepening of our faith through scripture. Happy birthday to all celebrating in January! Additionally, a big thank you to Helen Baron for her work with the food pantry and for reminding us of the ongoing need for support. Let's continue to replenish the shelves together.


Jan 30, 2024 - 22:18
January is the start of the new year and the beginning of my goals as a concrete contractor for the year. One of your goals for the coming year should be a daily reading of the Bible, and it is helpful that you use the Orthodox Study Bible. On the back pages, you can find information concerning the importance of reading and understanding the bible
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July 2024

St. Andrew of Crete

St. Andrew of Crete -  Trumpeting forth divine melodies, you were shown as a far-shining luminary for the world. You shone forth with the radiant light of the Trinity, O Venerable Andrew. Therefore we all cry to you: "Do not cease to intercede for us all.