June at ST. John's...............

May 25, 2024
June at ST. John's...............

Perhaps the greatest sin in the world today is that people have begun to lose their sense of sin. The Word of God has something very pointed to say about this: “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (I John 1:8). We have indeed deceived ourselves. To see ourselves as we really are, we need to come closer to Jesus. For awareness of sin always depends on our closeness to God. Those who live at a distance from Jesus always brag about their goodness. Those who live close to Him can only plead, “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner.” “I came not to call the righteous but sinners.”


When Jesus came to earth, it was the “nice” people who crucified Him, i.e., the high priests and the super-religious Pharisees. The people who followed Jesus and became His disciples and washed His feet with their tears were the “bad” people; the people who knew how sinful they were after they had come into His presence. These were the people Jesus accepted and forgave. These were the people He turned into the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” “For I came not to call the righteous but sinners….It is not those who are well but those who are ill who need a physician.”


Sinners are those who know they have done wrong and don’t know where to turn. They are the ones He came to seek and to save. They are the only ones who understand the grace of God in Christ. It is no exaggeration to say that the best lines in the gospel stories belong to sinners, but to sinners who don’t hide their sin behind a proud facade; sinners who see themselves as they are and fall humbly to their knees before the Savior begging His mercy.


There will be great surprises on the last day when the “bad” people will be found in the Kingdom of Heaven. The greatest of all surprises will be the surprise that we are there. And if we are there, it will only be because of Jesus, our Savior, Who came “not to call the righteous but sinners.”


PRAYER:                         I am not righteous, Lord. I am a sinner who needs to be made righteous. I confess that You are the Savior of the world, Who came to make me righteous. Receive me as You did the publican and the thief. Cleanse me, save me, and restore in me Your divine image. Amen


-From “The Great I Came’s of Jesus” by Anthony M. Coniaris


Summer is upon us and it is important that we attend services at the Orthodox church near our vacation location. Keep our Lord in your family and pray always.


Father’s Day is on June 16. It is a terrifying responsibility to bring up children in this modern age of such various evil distractions. Being a good Father and Mother is hard but bringing your children to church and helping them to realize that the world is much more calming and satisfying when Our Lord and Savior is at the center of their being. There is peace, understanding and love in a reality that is comfortably supported by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Bring your children to church and keep them or lose them to an unforgiving world that surrounds them.


Happy Birthday to all those celebrating their birthday in June: Kerri Czech on June 13; Xenia Kary on June 19; and Carlos Majia on June 29. May God grant them all Many Years!


Remember our needy neighbors. The Food Pantry is always in need of food items. Please keep those less fortunate in mind and help us to feed those in need. A basket is in the vestibule of the church for your convenience. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity.


Join us at our Church Picnic on June 3 and our Parish Meeting Planned for June 16. 


Oct 7, 2024 - 08:24
People who are far from Jesus constantly boast about their goodness. trellis christchurch nz


Jul 23, 2024 - 00:08
So true is the fact that some of the most moving lines in the gospel stories are spoken by sinners. These are not just any sinners, but ones who openly acknowledge their faults and humbly seek forgiveness from the Savior. Wilmington Landscaping

Amber Brion

Jun 6, 2024 - 10:24
The passage and reflections collectively encourage a deep, personal relationship with Jesus, recognizing one’s sins, and living a life enriched by faith and community involvement. It calls for humility, generosity, and the integration of spiritual practice into daily life, ensuring a supportive and loving community centered around Christ. nashville recording studios
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October 2024

Greatmartyr Demetrius - Great Vespers 5:00 PM

The entire world has found you to be a great champion in times of peril;  for you put the heathen to flight, O victorious one.  As you brought to naught the boasts of Lyaeus, and gave courage to Nestor in the stadium, in the same way, O Holy Great Martyr Demetrios,  entreat...