June at St. John's..........

May 29, 2023
June at St. John's..........

Holy Pentecost - Our Lord Jesus Christ repeatedly promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to His disciples. Early in His public ministry He said, “ ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ But this He spoke concerning the Spirit...” (John 7:37-39). Jesus also said, “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever” (John 14:16). The last words of Christ before His Ascension include a promise: “John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now” (Acts 1:5). This word was fulfilled ten days later on the Day of Pentecost. Bring your children to church on Pentecost, June 4.


June is a busy month. In addition to weddings, anniversaries, and graduations, we celebrate our fathers. This year on Sunday, June 18, we will honor our fathers by praying for them and showing our love and respect. Raising children is an enormous responsibility and it is important for youngsters to understand that the rules and regulations set down by their father are for their well-being. The older we get, the wiser our fathers become! If the Lord has taken your father’s soul to His eternal care, say a prayer that He will be merciful to him. Those who are still blessed with having their father with them should vow to present them with the gifts of respect, understanding and love every day, not just on Father’s Day. This is the basis of the 5th Commandment: Honor your Father and Mother. May God bless all fathers with good health, joy, peace for Many Years! Let us also pray for our departed fathers who have entered Eternal Life. May their Memory be Eternal!


On June 24th, St. John the Baptist, the Forerunner of Christ, is remembered on the feast day of his nativity. The Church observes his birth as a feast day, an honor only shared by the Holy Virgin Mary whose birth is celebrated on September 8. And we here at St. John the Baptist R.O. Church, will celebrate its name day. Christ Himself said that St. John is greatest “among those that are born of women…” He prepared the way for the coming of the Lord and, at the Jordan River, Baptized Christ. He is also a Martyr and Prophet, telling us all, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” In his icon, he is portrayed with the wings of an Angel, not only because he was the unique messenger of God preparing the way for Christ, but also because of the sanctity of his life.


It is with joy that we announce His Eminence, our Archbishop Michael will also join us at the service that day. This is an important Holy Day for us since it is so near and dear to our church. It is truly a day to set aside all our other intrusions to our church attendance and come and join us in the celebration of our church. Please put aside your barbeque, your ball game, your visit to the amusement park and be here because God loves you all unconditionally and He will reward you all again with many opportunities to do the enjoyable activities that keep you from Him. Save this date, Saturday, June 24.


We are challenged to learn about our faith and to love Christ. It is incumbent that you join us for the holy days listed above. Remember, God’s love and blessings do not stop during the summer months so remember to go to church wherever you are vacationing. Jesus tells us Himself that: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matt 18:20)


Happy Birthday to all those celebrating their birthday in June: Sofia Kseniuk on June 12; Kerri Czech on June 13; Xenia Kary on June 19; and Carlos Majia on June 29. May God grant them all Many Years!


Remember our needy neighbors. The Food Pantry is always in need of food items. Please keep those less fortunate in mind and help us to feed those in need. A basket is in the vestibule of the church for your convenience. May God less you abundantly for your generosity.


Aug 13, 2023 - 21:34
I always go to church with my children. I think it's very important. Thanks for sharing. Qr MenĂ¼, Komatsu
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February 2025

Sunday of the Last Judgment Hours - 9:10 AM / Divine Liturgy - 9:30 AM

"Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.”     (Matt 5:11-12)