March News at St. John's............

Feb 22, 2021
March News at St. John's............

Once again, the time of Great Lent is here and every Orthodox Christian will enter an intense period of spiritual discipline. Even as Great Lent is often characterized by its dark liturgical colors and mournful hymns, we must enter the season of Lent in the spirit of joy. It is the time to cleanse our soul and body, limit our food, and rejoice with spiritual joy for this wonderful opportunity to come closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


During Lent, a great emphasis is placed upon PRAYER. Some of the most beautiful and meaningful services are found during this 40-day fast. Special services, such as the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and the Akathists to the Mother of God provide us with the liturgical means of becoming closer to our Savior as we approach the Feast of Pascha. Participating in the devotions prescribed for this sacred season will provide us with a fuller understanding of our Lord’s Passion.


Although we are faced with the demands of the Lenten season, we should rejoice that this wonderful opportunity to draw closer to Christ is given to us each year by our Holy Orthodox Church.


Happy Birthday to all those celebrating in the month of March: Rosemarie Petro on March 2; Sonya Finno on March 3; Lydia Bzik on March 9; Amy Kovalycsik Talley on March 11; Scott Cahayla on March 13; Robert M. Czech on March 14; Nicholas Kovalycsik on March 20; Genevieve Bobenko on March 22 and Chris Bzik, March 28. May God grant each of you Many Years!


We are being reminded that this is a very hard time for many people who are out of work and that your donations to our food basket in the vestibule will be greatly appreciated by those who will benefit from your kindness. Helen Baron, our food basket coordinator, asks that you remember your neighbors who are unable to provide for their families in this difficult time facing this pandemic. Helen thanks all of you who have been so generous in the past and may God bless you all.


We are sad to say that our parishioner John Palubniak moved from New Jersey to his new home in Kentucky. We all wish him luck on his new journey and hope he will visit us in the future. We will miss John and we thank him for all the work he has done for us here at St. John’s. May God bless him abundantly for his constant and unfailing faith and may God grant him good health and happiness in his new home.


Memorial (Soul) Saturdays will be beginning on March 6. There are six Memorial Saturdays this year: March 6, 27; April 3, 10, June 19 and October 23. Remembering departed relatives and others among the faithful who have fallen asleep in the Lord is an act of love that we should never neglect. The Panikhida on each of these days will be serv ed. Make a list of those you want included in the services and leave the list in the Church Office or mail it to Father Maryan at the rectory. Attend these services to experience the beauty and meaning of these days in the place where our relatives and friends worshipped before they were laid to pious rest.

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March 2025

Pre-Sanctified Liturgy - 6:00 PM

The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is one of the great masterpieces of Orthodox piety and liturgical creativity.   It is one of the most beautiful and most meaningful liturgical services in the Orthodox Christian Church. (Father Thomas Hopko)      “Let my...