March at St. John's...............

Feb 27, 2023
March at St. John's...............

Great Lent is the time of preparation for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. It is a time of renewed prayer, fasting, and repentance. In the Orthodox Church, Great Lent is not a season of morbidity and gloominess, however, it is a time to express sorrow for our sins. During the lenten season, we should devote more time reading the Holy Bible and meditation. Foremost, our activity during this period should include attendance for all the many beautiful lenten services worshipping with our family and friends.


The Sundays of Great Lent:


Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy

This is a historical feast commemorating the return of the icons to the churches in the year 843 after they had been banned for several decades. The heresy of iconoclasm was overcome.


St. Gregory Palamas

It was St. Gregory (de.1359) who bore living witness that men can become divine through the grace of God in the Holy Spirit. St. Gregory clearly teaches that by cooperating with the God who makes all things possible, we can attain eternal life.


Veneration of the Cross

The Kingdom of God comes only through the Cross and through suffering. The Cross stands in the midst of the church in the middle of the lenten season not merely to remind men of Christ’s redemption and to keep before them the goal of their efforts, but also to be venerated as that reality by which man must live to be saved. “He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:38)


St. John of the Ladder (Climacus)

Abbot of St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai (6th century) and author of the work, The Ladder of Divine Ascent. In this work, St. John outlines the steps essential for attaining communion with God - steps which remind us that the way to the Kingdom constantly requires enormous effort for entrance into God’s Kingdom.


Saint Mary of Egypt

A repentant harlot, Mary tells us, that no amount of sin and wickedness can keep a person from God if he truly repents. St. Mary recognized her sinfulness and sought to bring about an essential change in her life. She ran from her sinfulness and devoted the remainder of her life to placing God’s will above her own.


Happy Birthday to all those celebrating in the month of March:  Rosemarie Petro and Valentina Franko on March 2; Sonya Finno on March 3; Amy Kovalycsik Talley on March 11; Scott Cahayla on March 13; Robert M. Czech on March 14; Nicholas Kovalycsik on March 20; and Genevieve Bobenko on March 22. May God grant each of you Many Years!


Helen Baron, our food basket coordinator, asks that you remember your neighbors who are unable to provide for their families in this difficult time. Helen thanks all of you who have been so generous in the past and may God bless you all.


Join us for the beautiful Lenten services coming up. Refer to our printable calendar and keep it near.


Jan 24, 2024 - 21:55
The year 843 marked a significant moment in history - the return of the icons to the churches. After being banned for several decades, the heresy of iconoclasm was finally defeated. This event serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving and honoring our cultural heritage. Arlington Drywall Contractors wants to continue to celebrate and cherish our traditions for generations to come.


Sep 26, 2023 - 19:27
As we journey through the Lenten season, let us fix our gaze upon the Cross at the center of our church through prayer meeting. It stands as a powerful reminder of Christ's redeeming love and the ultimate goal we strive for. More than that, it is the very reality that we must embrace and live by if we are to attain the salvation that we seek.


Apr 4, 2023 - 17:17
This is the time to reflect and ask forgiveness for our sins. best drywall company in columbus
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February 2025

Sunday of the Last Judgment Hours - 9:10 AM / Divine Liturgy - 9:30 AM

"Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.”     (Matt 5:11-12)