News from St. Johns for October......

Sep 19, 2019
News from St. Johns for October......

The month of October comes with the rustle of falling leaves, cool temperatures, and beautiful colors. God shows His love to us all by the beautiful earth that unfolds before us. This is sweater weather and the church is comfortable and warming with the glow of candles burning brightly, the scent of pleasant and welcoming incense and the sun, shining through the stunning Icon colored windows. Now, as always, is the time to return to the comforting ambiance of the church.



Following Divine Liturgy on September 15 all our parishioners and friends and family were invited to the rectory for ‘coffee hour.’ The doors to the rectory were opened and all those who entered were welcomed graciously and enthusiastically. The coffee hour, as we usually name the social period after Divine Liturgy, had much more to offer than coffee. The table was laden with delicious, lovely foods; and, having seen both Matushka Lana and her mother, Anastasia Malish who is a retired chef, in attendance at the entire Divine Liturgy, we were amazed at the attractive offerings on the table and in the kitchen so quickly.  It was a lovely event and all of us who were there appreciate their warmth, kindness and wonderful cooking. A certain cliche that we are all familiar with “A good time was had by all!” fits here perfectly. We all did have a good time!  Thank you Father Maryan, Matushka Lana, and your delightful family for your warmth and kindness. Photos are in the Photo Gallery.



On Tuesday October 1 we will have a Divine Liturgy for the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. The feast day celebrates the appearance of the Mother of God at Blachernae in the tenth century. At the end of St. Andrew of Constantinople’s life, he, with his disciple St. Epiphanius, and a group of people, saw the Mother of God, and several other saints and angels during a vigil in the Church of Blachernae, nearby the city gates. The Blachernae Palace church was where several of her relics were kept. The relics were her robe, veil, and part of her belt that had been transferred from Palestine during the fifth century.


The Theotokos approached the center of the church, knelt down and remained in prayer a long time. Her face was drowned in tears. Then she took her veil off and spread it over the people as a sign of protection. During the time, the people in the city were threatened by a barbarian invasion. After the appearance of the Mother of God, the danger was averted and the city was spared from bloodshed and suffering.


Let us pray to the Theotokos: “Be with me always in your grace and loving mercy, for you are the fervent helper who turns away the assaults of enemies and guides all toward salvation, caring for my unworthy soul at the hour of death and driving from it the darkness of evil spirits. In the Day of Judgment, free me from eternal torment and show me to be an heir of the divine glory of your Son, and our God. Grant this, O Lady Theotokos, by your prayers and intercessions, through the mercy and lovingkindness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Whom are due all glory, honor and worship, with the Father Who is eternal, and His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.” (Prayer from ‘My Daily Orthodox Prayer Book’ by Anthony M. Coniaris.) Do not cheat yourself of the prayers offered by our Lady Theotokos on your behalf so that you also may be protected under her veil. Ask her for her Protection at Divine Liturgy on October 1.



Happy Birthday to all those celebrating their birthday in October: Daniel Kary, October 10; Elena Kibitelsky, Oct. 12; Anna Rozanovich, Oct. 15; Dennis Maixner, Oct. 21; Helena Czech, Oct. 22; Lauren Silvestre, Oct. 25; John Kary, Oct. 28; and Elizabeth Hatsko, Oct. 30.  May God grant each of you a blessed birthday and may He grant each of you Many Years!



On behalf of St. John’s, Helen Baron, our Food Pantry Coordinator, would like to thank you all for your contributions. God grant you all Many Years! Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Many stores have special fall sales that are worth looking into for non-perishable foods (canned or packaged) to help fill our baskets for our less fortunate neighbors.



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Pre-Sanctified Liturgy - 6:00 PM at Assumption of the Holy Virgin Church in Clifton

"Praise the Lord, all nations. Praise Him, all peoples. For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever."