July News at St. John's..........

Jun 29, 2020
July News at St. John's..........

We were honored by the presence of our Archbishop Michael for Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 for the celebration of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist.  Some of us were present at the service and we kept all the protocols initiated by the state and federal governments as to distance and other rules that applied for this event. This was a very appreciated visit to our parish on the name’s day of our church and a welcomed return to a very normal occurrence at St. John’s. It was wonderful to see Archbishop Michael, and we thank him for joining us on this day. After the service most went away to their homes and unfortunately were not able to visit with the Archbishop. We are all looking forward to his next visit. Pictures are screen shots of the Liturgy as it was live streamed on facebook.


St. John’s church is now opened for vespers on Saturdays and Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings. The services listed in the calendar on Tuesday mornings and on Friday mornings are all served from the rectory and are live-streamed.  In the church, preparations were put in place for social distancing, and antiseptic wipes are available. Masks must be worn when necessary and communion is safely offered during Divine Liturgy. All rules directed by the state and federal governments have been understood and obeyed. The spiritual joy of attending the Divine Liturgy in person in the church was overwhelming. Never did anyone ever think that the personal freedom of attending church would be disallowed for any reason here in America; however, a vicious illness that would confine us to our homes would eventually slow down and make the return to church a personal joy and triumph.  


However, we are all awaiting our coffee hour socials and these will have to wait until the ban on indoor eating is lifted. Since school is out for the summer, we have the hall available and we can arrange the tables at proper distances from each other. We are eagerly waiting for the news to inform us when we can once again enjoy our weekly gatherings.


Happy Birthday to all those celebrating their birthday in July. Among those are: Stephanie Kibitelsky on July 1; Maryann Stagen on July 4; Kathy Cahayla, July 10; Peggy Kovalycsik , July 11; Helen Baron, July 22; Kathy Petrow, July 24; Brielle Hope Anderson, July 25; Austin Christopher Anderson, July 27; and Betty Ann Fechisin on July 29. A very happy birthday to everyone celebrating their birthday in July and May God grant you all Many Years!  


We are all challenged to learn about our faith and to love Christ. It is incumbent that you attend church during the summer and it is now opened. Remember, God’s love and blessings do not stop during the summer months. Jesus tells us Himself that: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matt 18:20) After the events of this year, praying with your peers together in church is a blessing that cannot be taken for granted. Enrich your relationship with God and His son Jesus with confession and communion. Do it now because events can change quickly and it is not impossible to think all these blessings can be taken away. Pray together with us that God will have mercy on us all. 


Remember our needy neighbors. The Food Pantry is always in need of food items. Please keep those less fortunate in mind and help us to feed those in need. A basket is in the vestibule of the church for your convenience. May God less you abundantly for your generosity.


Oct 7, 2024 - 07:21
Each of us has a struggle to grow in our understanding of and love for Christ. You are required to attend church, which is now open, during the summer. factoring companies in seattle
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October 2024

Greatmartyr Demetrius - Great Vespers 5:00 PM

The entire world has found you to be a great champion in times of peril;  for you put the heathen to flight, O victorious one.  As you brought to naught the boasts of Lyaeus, and gave courage to Nestor in the stadium, in the same way, O Holy Great Martyr Demetrios,  entreat...